Public Sector PM Mentoring

Private Sector Business PM Mentoring


CM Programme Management Ltd

Specialists in Programme, Portfolio & Project Management


Project Management Mentoring


Project Management Mentoring is a very effective and economical way of transferring project-related business, management, technical and personal skills from one person to another

Typical benefits from Project Management Mentoring include:

  • improved performance
  • improved staff retention
  • improved self awareness and capability
  • a happier Project Manager

Project Management Mentoring can be one-to-one or one-to-many

Project Management Mentoring has been described as like an athlete having a personal coach – the mentor is a source of advice, a confidant, and a motivator. The Project Manager still does the running, but not alone

Project Management Mentoring which is focussed on helping the mentored Project Manager achieve specific goals and objectives is more commonly known as Project Management Coaching


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