Public Sector Programme Management

Private Sector Programme Management


CM Programme Management Ltd

Specialists in Programme, Portfolio & Project Management


Programme Management


Programme Management is the co-ordinated organisation, direction and implementation of a portfolio of projects and activities that together achieve outcomes and realise benefits

Programme Management is focussed on achieving pre-defined outcomes and realising benefits, as opposed to Project Management which is focussed on delivering specific outputs (eg deliverables) over a specified period and within cost, quality and resource constraints

Programmes initiate projects to deliver specific outputs (eg tangible deliverables), these projects are grouped together into tranches, each tranche reflecting a step change in capability and benefit realisation

Programme Management is also commonly referred to as Program Management


A piece of change to cut back office costs by 10% is classed as a Programme as though the Outcome and Benefit are defined (eg reduction of back office costs of 10%) the Deliverables to achieve this benefit are not yet defined (eg Deliverables could be any or all of: cut in wages, introduction of automation to enhance efficiency, removal of unprofitable business units)

A piece of change to Build a Bridge is classed as a Project as the Deliverable is pre-defined (ie the Bridge)


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